Education in Slovakia » Universities of Slovakia » Nitra » University of Constantine the Philosopher
Constantine the Philosopher
About the educational institution
University named after Constantine the Philosopher in Nitra meets the standards of a modern European university where scientific achievements are carried out. According to world rankings, the university is among the top ten best universities in Slovakia. The university provides a wide selection of educational programs at all three levels of study.
UCF in Nitra trains specialists in such areas as preschool teacher, teacher of primary, secondary and higher educational institutions, cultural specialist, political scientist, marketer, tourism manager, translator, journalist, ethnologist, archaeologist, historian, art critic, physicist, mathematician, IT specialist, psychologist, physician, social worker, etc. Studying at the university is carried out on a full-time or part-time basis exclusively according to accredited study programs. Admission to most specialties without entrance exams, but with mandatory knowledge of the Slovak language.
List of faculties
Faculty of Philosophy
The Faculty of Philosophy offers training in the humanities, social sciences and philology. The faculty trains specialists in the fields of science, culture, media, art, history, public administration, as well as highly qualified translators. The faculty also provides training for teachers at the second stage of basic education.
Single-subject study programs
- English language learning
– applied ethics – ethics of people and labor management
– archeology
– editorial and publishing practice
- aesthetics
– ethnology
– philosophy
- story
– cultural studies
– marketing communications and advertising
- care of monuments and cultural heritage
- political science
— culture and tourism management
— Russian language in intercultural and business communication
– journalism
Interdisciplinary study programs:
– history – philosophy
– political science – philosophy
– journalism – history
Translation and interpretation in combination with 2 of the following languages:
– English language and culture
— German language and culture
— Russian language and culture
— Slovak language and culture
— Spanish language and culture
Teaching in combination with two possible specialties:
— English language and literature
— German language and literature
- Russian language and literature
– Romance languages and literatures (French, Spanish, Italian)
- Slovak language and literature
- aesthetic education
- ethical education
- story
- Religious education
– civic education
– English in professional communication
– Applied ethics – ethical examination and ethical consultation
– Archeology
– Editorial and publishing practice
- Aesthetics
– Ethnology
– Philosophy
- Story
– Culturology
– Marketing communications and advertising
– Museology
– Political Science
– Culture and tourism management
– Russian language in intercultural and business communication
– Journalism
Translation and interpretation (translator) in combination with 2 possible languages:
– English language and culture
– German language and culture
– Russian language and culture
– Slovak language and culture
– Spanish language and culture
Teaching subjects in combination with 2 possible disciplines:
– English language and literature
– German language and literature
- Russian language and literature
– Spanish language and literature
– Aesthetic education
– Ethical education
- Story
– Religious education
– Slovak language and literature
– Citizenship education
– English
– Archeology
- Aesthetics
– Ethics
– Ethnology
– Culturology
– Marketing communications and advertising
– Slavic studies – Slavic languages
– Slovak history
– Literary theory and history of specific national literatures
– Translation Studies
The main condition for admission to the 1st level (bachelor) is completion of secondary education or complete secondary vocational education.
Admission without entrance exams*
*There is an entrance exam for the specialty “Marketing Communications and Advertising”.
*When entering the specialty “Journalism”, grades in subjects such as Slovak language and literature, history and civics will be taken into account and it is necessary to speak the Slovak language at level B2.
*When enrolling in the specialty “Editing and Publishing Practice” and specialties related to teaching subjects in combination, you must speak the Slovak language at level B2.
*When applying to the specialty “English Studies” and “Teaching English Language and Literature in Combination”, grades in English will be taken into account.
*When entering specialties related to translation and interpretation of foreign languages, certain specialized subjects will be taken into account and it is necessary to speak Slovak and the specialized language at level B2.
*When enrolling in specialties related to teaching foreign languages in combination, you must speak the profile language at level B1.
Application deadlines
Bachelor's degree - applications accepted until 30.03.2025, cost - 25 euros
Master's degree - applications accepted until 30.04.2025, cost - 25 euros
Doctoral studies – applications accepted until 31.05.2025, fee – 25 EUR
natural sciences
The Faculty has a long tradition of training teachers of natural sciences, mathematics and computer science. Within the framework of Slovak higher education and in cooperation with other university faculties, the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Informatics offers the largest selection of teaching specialties. The faculty has at its disposal modern classrooms and laboratories, which provides the opportunity to undergo professional practice while studying.
- applied ecology and environmental science
- applied informatics
- biology
- digital economy
- physics
- geography in regional development
- mathematical-statistical and information methods in economics and finance
- teaching biology in combination
- combined teaching of chemistry
- combined teaching of ecology
- combined teaching of physics
- combined teaching of geography
- combined teaching of computer science
- combined teaching of mathematics
- combined teaching of professional and economic disciplines
- Applied Informatics
– Biology
– Ecological research in landscape planning and practice
– Physics of materials
– Geography in regional development
– Mathematical-statistical and information methods in economics and finance
Teacher training programs combined:
– biology
– ecology
– physics
– geography
– chemistry
- mathematics
- Informatics
– professional economic subjects combined
- Applied Informatics
- Molecular biology
– Ecology
– Physics of materials
– Theory of teaching chemistry
– Theory of teaching mathematics
The main condition for admission to the 1st level (bachelor) is completion of secondary education or complete secondary vocational education.
Admission without entrance exams
Application deadlines
Bachelor's degree - applications accepted until 31.03.2025, cost - 25 euros
Master's degree - applications accepted until 30.04.2025, cost - 25 euros
Doctoral studies – applications accepted until 31.05.2025, fee – 25 EUR
Faculty of Social
sciences and health
The faculty offers higher education in specialties such as psychology, social work, social services, nursing and emergency medicine. The faculty has the opportunity to defend and obtain a degree in two educational specialties - psychology and social work. One of the advantages of studying at the faculty is support for graduates in future employment, thanks to internships in medical institutions. Graduates can work as junior medical personnel, as well as in the field of social and medical services.
- Social work
- Emergency medical care
– Nursing
– Psychology
– Applied social work
– Psychology
Introductory campaign
The main condition for admission to the 1st level (bachelor) is completion of secondary education or complete secondary vocational education.
A mandatory part of the admission procedure for all specialties is successfully passing the Slovak language exam at level B1.
In the specialty “Nursing” and “Emergency Medical Care” it is necessary to provide medical confirmation of suitability for training.
Admission without entrance exams*
*The specialty “Emergency Medical Care” requires an entrance exam in the form of testing physical abilities.
Application deadlines
Bachelor's degree - applications accepted until 31.01.2025, cost - 25 euros
Master's degree - applications accepted until 30.04.2025, cost - 25 euros
Faculty of Central
European studies
The faculty is aimed at training wide-ranging specialists in various fields of culture, public administration, scientific research, tourism, with an emphasis on the study of foreign languages. The faculty also offers training programs in the field of school pedagogy.
– Hungarian language – Slovak bilingual mediator
– Pre-school and primary pedagogy with Hungarian as the language of instruction
– Regional tourism
– Central European Scientific Research
– Teaching Hungarian language and literature in combination
– Hungarian in bilingual administrative communication
– Regional tourism management
– Central European Scientific Research
– Teacher training for primary education with Hungarian as the language of instruction
– Teaching Hungarian language and literature in combination
– Central European Scientific Research
– Theory of teaching Hungarian language and literature
The main condition for admission to the 1st level (bachelor) is the presence of complete general secondary education or complete secondary vocational education.
Application deadlines
Bachelor's degree - applications are accepted on 31.03.2025 (1st round), 10.08.2025 (2nd round) cost - 25 euros
Master's degree - applications accepted until 30.04.2025, cost - 25 euros
Doctoral studies – applications accepted until 31.05.2025, fee – 25 EUR
Faculty of Pedagogy
The Faculty of Pedagogy is focused on training specialists in programs of various disciplines - pedagogical, art history. The subjects of the faculty are related to practical training, pedagogy of preschool and primary education. In addition, the faculty trains specialists not only in pedagogical programs, but also gives graduates the opportunity to find employment at the level of state and public administration, in the field of regional development, tourism, sports and recreation, music, extracurricular education, private and other educational institutions.
– Andragogy
– Preschool and primary pedagogy
– Special pedagogy and pedagogy for people with learning disabilities
– Sports and recreation
Teaching subjects in combination (2 subjects to choose from):
— English language and literature
- musical art
— practical training
– musical art combined
– pedagogy in combination
– technology in combination
– physical education combined
– fine arts combined
— English language and literature combined
- art education
It is also possible to combine other subjects from other UKF faculties.
– training and counseling for adults
– special pedagogy, social pedagogy and education management
— sports and recreation
Teacher training programs
— English language and literature
- musical art
- technique
In combination:
- musical art
- pedagogy
– psychology
- Physical Culture
- art
— English language and literature
- art education
– teaching for primary education
Teacher training programs are designed as two-subject training. An applicant can choose any combination of two study programs from the PF offer or from the offer of other university faculties.
- pedagogy
– didactics of English language and literature
– didactics of technical subjects
– sports pedagogy
– pedagogy of music and musical-dramatic art
The main condition for admission to the 1st degree (bachelor's degree) is completed secondary education or complete secondary vocational education.
Admission without entrance exams*
*In the specialties: “Sports and Recreation”, “Teaching Musical Art”, “Teaching Musical Dramatic Art”, “Art Education” and “Physical Education” an entrance exam is held.
When enrolling in specialties related to foreign languages, it is necessary to speak the language at level B1.
Application deadlines
Bachelor's degree - applications accepted until 03/31/2024, cost - 25 euros
Master's degree - applications accepted until 04/30/2024, cost - 25 euros
Doctoral studies - applications accepted until 05/31/2024, cost - 25 euros
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