Education in Slovakia » Universities of Slovakia » Kosice » TUKE Technical University
TUKE University
About the educational institution
The Technical University of Kosice is ranked 2nd among the best universities in Slovakia. TUKE offers a wide range of technical specialties, including the Faculty of Aviation (the only one in Slovakia open to foreigners).
By choosing this university you will have the opportunity to become part of various scientific research projects. Comfortable learning conditions and great employment prospects in prestigious companies attract many applicants from the CIS countries.
List of faculties
Mechanical Engineering
The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering is one of the leading founding faculties of the Technical University in Kosice. 22 study programs are included in the “Top 100 most promising specialties in Slovakia” rating. The faculty has a high percentage of employment of foreign graduates. 90% educational directions of the faculty allow students to receive a motivational scholarship.
Bachelor (I degree)
– Car production
– Quality and safety
– Computer Engineering
– Industrial mechatronics
– Industrial engineering
– Prosthetics and orthopedics
– Business management and economics
– Mechanical engineering
– Technologies, management and innovations of mechanical engineering production
Engineer (II degree)
– Car production
– Safety of technical systems
– Biomedical Engineering
– Transport technologies and logistics
– Energy machines and equipment
– Environmental Engineering
– Computer Engineering
– Industrial mechatronics
- Industrial engineering
– Business management and economics
– Robotics and robot technologies
– Engineering technologies
– Mechanical engineering
Doctoral studies (III degree)
- Applied mechanics
– Machine parts and mechanisms
– Energy machines and equipment
– Environmental Engineering
– Quality and safety
– Industrial mechatronics
– Industrial engineering
– Engineering technologies and materials
- Production technology
– Biomedical Engineering
Introductory campaign
The main condition for admission to a bachelor's degree is the presence of complete general secondary education or complete secondary vocational education.
Admission without entrance exams
Application deadlines
Bachelor's degree - applications accepted until 03/31/2024, cost - 20 euros
Master's degree - applications accepted until 05/31/2024, cost - 20 euros
Doctoral studies - applications accepted until 05/31/2024, cost - 30 euros
Faculty of Aeronautics
The Faculty of Aeronautics was founded in 2005. Despite the short period of its existence, the faculty has extensive experience in training pilots in various areas. Trains aviation specialists to be professional pilots, air traffic controllers, aircraft maintenance technicians for aircraft carriers, engines and avionics systems, as well as pilots for both civil and military aviation. Modern and popular training programs fully reflect the requirements of European aviation legislation, which allows graduates to work not only in Europe, but throughout the world.
Bachelor (I stage)
– Metallurgy
– Materials
– Recycling and disposal of waste
Engineer (II stage)
– Metallurgy
- Materials Science
– Recycling and disposal of waste
The main condition for admission to the 1st stage (bachelor) is the presence of complete general secondary education or complete secondary vocational education.
Admission without entrance exams.
Application deadlines
Bachelor's degree - applications accepted until 05.26.2024, cost - 20 euros
Master's degree - applications accepted until 05.26.2024, cost - 20 euros
Faculty of Materials,
and processing
The Faculty of Materials, Metallurgy and Processing trained more than 4,600 engineers, of which 110 were foreign specialists. Faculty students study in the best laboratories and have the opportunity to study and work abroad, which allows students to collaborate with prestigious companies around the world while still studying. The faculty focuses its research and teaching on the needs and requirements of companies in this industry. Graduates of the faculty work in the following professions: technologist, technical manager in various manufacturing and trading enterprises, design bureaus and research organizations.
Bachelor (I stage)
– Metallurgy
– Materials
– Recycling and disposal of waste
Engineer (II stage)
– Metallurgy
- Materials Science
– Recycling and disposal of waste
The main condition for admission to the 1st stage (bachelor) is the presence of complete general secondary education or complete secondary vocational education.
Admission without entrance exams.
Application deadlines
Bachelor's degree - applications accepted until 04/30/2024, cost - 20 euros
Master's degree - applications accepted until 06/30/2024, cost - 20 euros
Faculty of Civil Engineering
The Faculty of Materials, Metallurgy and Processing trained more than 4,600 engineers, of which 110 were foreign specialists. Faculty students study in the best laboratories and have the opportunity to study and work abroad, which allows students to collaborate with prestigious companies around the world while still studying. The faculty focuses its research and teaching on the needs and requirements of companies in this industry. Graduates of the faculty work in the following professions: technologist, technical manager in various manufacturing and trading enterprises, design bureaus and research organizations.
Bachelor (I degree)
– Construction and architecture (4 years);
– Civil engineering and transport structures;
– Technologies and management in construction.
Engineer (II degree)
- Construction
– Load-bearing and transport structures
– Technologies and management in construction
Doctoral studies (III degree)
– Theory of construction and environment
– Theory and design of civil engineering
– Theory of technology and management in construction
The main condition for admission to the 1st stage (bachelor) is the presence of complete general secondary education or complete secondary vocational education.
Admission without exams.
Application deadlines
Bachelor's degree - applications accepted until April 26, 2024, cost - 20 euros
Master's degree - applications accepted until June 23, 2024, cost - 20 euros
Doctoral studies - applications accepted until 06/20/2024, cost - 30 euros
Faculty of Mining Engineering,
ecology, management
processes and geotechnologies
The Faculty of Mining, Environment, Management and Geotechnology offers education in a wide range of interesting study programs. The faculty specializes in teaching in the fields of mining, ecology, process management, logistics and transport, ecology, alternative energy sources, geodesy, cartography and geographic information systems. High-quality education, together with practical experience gained through active cooperation with foreign partners, brings graduates of the faculty the desired position in the labor market.
Bachelor (I degree)
— Automation and control of the processes of extraction and processing of raw materials
— Mining and geotechnics
— Transport logistics of the enterprise
— Geodesy and land cadastre
— Geology and regional development
— Geotourism
— Commercial logistics
— Process management
— Land management
— Environmental protection and raw materials eco-technology
— Industrial logistics
— Use of alternative energy sources
— Rescue, fire and technical support
Engineer (II degree)
– Enterprise transport logistics
– Engineering Geology
– Geotourism
– Informatization of the processes of extraction and processing of raw materials
– Engineering geodesy and land cadastre
– Land management
– Mineralogy and environmental technologies
– Industrial logistics
– Quality management of raw material extraction and processing processes
– Mining and tunneling technologies
– Use of alternative energy sources
– Rescue, fire and safety equipment
Doctoral studies (III degree)
– Mining geology and geological exploration
– Mining equipment, transport and well drilling
– Mine surveying and geodesy
– Land Economics
– Mineralogy and environmental technologies
– Industrial logistics
– Process management
– Management of processes of extraction and processing of raw materials
– Mining and geotechnical engineering
– Use and protection of land resources
The main condition for admission to the 1st stage (bachelor) is the presence of complete general secondary education or complete secondary vocational education.
Admission without entrance exams.
Application deadlines
Bachelor's degree - applications accepted until 03/31/2024, cost - 20 euros
Master's degree - applications accepted until 03/31/2024, cost - 20 euros
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
and computer science
The main objective of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science is to provide higher education based on creative research work especially in such areas of research as information sciences, cybernetics and artificial intelligence, telecommunications, electronics, electrical engineering, automotive electronics and power engineering. The Faculty provides “professional” motivating scholarships to students of all academic fields.
Bachelor (I degree)
– Applied electrical engineering
– Automotive electronics
– Electric power industry
– Physical engineering of advanced materials
– Economic informatics
- Computer science
– Intelligent systems
– Cybersecurity
- Computer modelling
- Computer networks
– Industrial electrical engineering
Engineer (II degree)
– Automotive electronics
– Electric power industry
– Physical engineering of advanced materials
– Economic informatics
- Computer science
– Intelligent systems
– Cybersecurity
- Computer modelling
– Informatics of computer networks
– Industrial electrical engineering
– Industrial electrical engineering
Doctoral studies (III degree)
– Electric power industry
– Electronic systems and signal processing
– Electrical systems
– Economic informatics
- Computer science
– Intelligent systems
– Industrial electrical engineering
- Computer networks
– Physical engineering of advanced materials
- Computer modelling
– Intelligent electronics
Admission without entrance exams.
Application deadlines
Bachelor's degree - applications accepted until 04/30/2024, cost - 20 euros
Master's degree - applications accepted until 04/30/2024, cost - 20 euros
Doctoral studies - applications accepted until 05/30/2024, cost - 30 euros
Faculty of Production Technologies in Presov
The Faculty of Manufacturing Technology is one of nine faculties of the Technical University of Kosice, which is one of the leading higher education institutions in Slovakia. A diverse selection of educational programs, national and international projects, modern laboratories, specialized classrooms - all this attracts applicants from many countries. The faculty aims to modernize the educational process, interact with practice and improve the conditions for scientific research.
Bachelor (I degree)
— Computer support for production technologies
— Smart technologies in industry
— Automotive production technologies
— Renewable energy sources
— Industrial management
Engineer (II degree)
— Computer support for production technologies
— Smart technologies in industry
— Automotive production technologies
— Renewable energy sources
— Industrial management
Doctoral studies (III degree)
— Production technologies
— Computer support for production technologies
— Industrial production management
— Process technology
Introductory campaign
The main condition for admission to the 1st level (bachelor) is the presence of complete general secondary education or complete secondary vocational education.
Admission without entrance exams.
Application deadlines
Bachelor's degree - applications accepted until 03/31/2024, cost - 20 euros
Master's degree - applications accepted until June 28, 2024, cost - 20 euros
Doctoral studies - applications accepted until 06/07/2024, cost - 30 euros
Department of Economics
For more than 25 years, the Faculty of Economics of the Technical University of Kosice has been providing education in two study programs “Finance, Banking and Investment” and “Economics and Public Administration”. The purpose of the faculty is to develop knowledge in the field of economics through scientific research. The Faculty of Economics of the Technical University of Kosice is known as a progressive faculty with a focus on quality education, with a wide range of mobility for students and an orientation towards foreign languages.
-Finance, Banking and Investments (Bachelor's, Master's, Doctoral)
-Economics and Public Administration (Bachelor’s, Master’s, Doctoral)
Introductory campaign
Exam: Mathematics
Additional points can be obtained if you have an international certificate (FCE, CAE and others) of knowledge of a foreign language, minimum level B2.
Application deadlines
Bachelor's degree - applications accepted until 03/31/2024, cost - 30 euros
Master's degree - applications accepted until 06/30/2024, cost - 20 euros
Doctoral studies - applications accepted until 06/14/2024, cost - 20 euros
Faculty of Arts
The Faculty of Arts provides higher education in the fields of: architecture, design, visual and media arts. The Faculty is an active institution in the implementation of artistic, research and exhibition projects in Slovakia and abroad.
BACHELOR (4 years)
– Architecture and urbanism
- Design
– Free Fine Arts
– Architecture and urbanism
- Design
– Free Fine Arts
- Design
– Free Fine Arts
Introductory campaign
The main condition for admission to a bachelor's degree is the presence of complete general secondary education or complete secondary vocational education.
Exams (take place in 2 stages):
Stage 1 – Talent Exam: In each specialty, the necessary abilities and knowledge for training are tested (basic knowledge of fine arts, design, mathematics, natural sciences, spatial imagination, practical demonstration of talent, working with 2D and 3D, drawing, figures from a living model, creativity, modeling).
Stage 2 – Interview and continuation of the talent exam.
Each applicant must provide his creative works, projects, photographs, drawings (the applicant will receive an exact list of materials that will need to be provided with an invitation to the entrance exams).
Exam dates:
Architecture and urbanism: 06.02 – 07.02.2023
Design: 01/23 – 01/24/2023, 01/26 – 01/27/2023
Free visual arts: 01/30 – 01/31/2023
Application deadlines
Bachelor's degree - applications accepted until 30.11.2023, cost - 30 euros
Master's degree - applications accepted until 04/30/2024, cost - 30 euros
Doctoral studies - applications accepted until 05/31/2024, cost - 30 euros
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additional information submit the form