Slovak Medical University

About the educational institution

The Slovak Medical University is based on the classical traditions of education in the field of medicine. This public university is an integral part of the Slovak state polyclinic, various hospitals and other public health institutions, where students undergo internships and teachers are mainly practicing doctors. It is the only university in Slovakia that specializes exclusively in medical education at all three levels of higher education, and at the same time is the only institution in the country that provides education for medical professionals in all areas and specializations of medicine. 

Since 2012, the university has entered into agreements with other universities under the ERASMUS experience exchange program. The international partners of the Slovak Medical University are many educational institutions from different countries. For example: State Medical Academy in Nur-Sultan - Kazakhstan, Universitá Degli Studi di Palermo - Italy and others.

List of faculties

Faculty of Nursing
affairs and medical

The main objectives of the faculty include educational, scientific and professional activities in the field of nursing, midwifery, physiotherapy, x-ray technology, emergency medical care and hygiene. The faculty cooperates with foreign partners, mainly in the field of education, research projects and other activities in the field of nursing. In addition, the faculty cooperates with government authorities, healthcare, territorial divisions, healthcare and social welfare institutions.


– Physiotherapy

– Nursing

- Emergency

– Obstetrics

– Radiological technology

Introductory campaign

The main condition for admission to the 1st level (bachelor) is completion of secondary education or complete secondary vocational education.

Medical confirmation of suitability for training in the chosen specialty.


Physiotherapy: Biology and Physics Written Test, Physical Capacity Test

Nursing and Midwifery: Biology and Social Science Written Test

Radiological Engineering: Biology and Physics Written Test

Emergency Medicine: Biology and Social Science Written Test, Physical Capability Test

Exam: 09.06.2025

Application deadlines*

Bachelor's degree - applications accepted until 28.02.2025, cost - 70 euros

Faculty of Public Health

The main objectives of the faculty include educational and research activities in the field of healthcare. The purpose of education is to train specialists capable of solving problems of protecting and promoting human health on a local, regional, national and international scale. The faculty cooperates with foreign universities and research institutes. Graduates of the faculty can work as employees of health authorities, specialists in public hygiene, occupational safety in enterprises, infectious disease specialists, employees in the field of health care management, employees of pharmaceutical and insurance companies.


– Public health


– Public health

Introductory campaign

The main condition for admission to the 1st level (bachelor) is completion of secondary education or complete secondary vocational education.

Medical confirmation of suitability for training in the chosen specialty.


– Written test with biology chemistry

Application deadlines*

Bachelor's degree - applications accepted until 02/29/2024, cost - 70 euros

Master's degree - applications accepted until 02.29.2024, cost - 70 euros

Faculty of Medicine

The task and mission of the Faculty of Medicine is to provide students with the opportunity to obtain higher education in the field of general medicine and dentistry. Also provide postgraduate training for doctors, pharmacists and other health professionals with higher education in accordance with the recommendation of the UEMS and the relevant EU guidelines. The Faculty of Medicine cooperates with renowned public and private healthcare institutions in Slovakia and abroad.

- General medicine - surgery
- General medicine - internal diseases
- General medicine - therapy
- Dentistry

Introductory campaign

The main condition for admission to the university is completion of secondary education or complete secondary vocational education.

Medical confirmation of suitability for training in the chosen specialty.

Application for professional competence examination:
10/15/2024 (registration until 09/20/2024)
12/10/2024 (registration until 11/15/2024)
01/28/2025 (registration until 01/03/2025)
03/11/2025 (registration until 02/21/2025)
04/15/2025 (registration until 03/21/2025)
06/10/2025 (registration until 05/16/2025)


in person, in the form of a written test in the following subjects
biology (80 questions), chemistry (80 questions), 160 questions in total – within the scope of the gymnasium curriculum, preparation time – 150 minutes,
The maximum score for the written test is 640.

Application deadlines*

Applications are accepted until 29.02.2025, cost – 70 euros

Faculty of Health
Banska Bystrica

The Faculty of Health Sciences offers academic programs such as physical therapy, health laboratory techniques, nursing and emergency medicine. The training of a medical worker takes place on the basis of the necessary theoretical knowledge and the acquisition of practical skills. Graduates of bachelor's programs have the opportunity to work in various clinics, hospitals, ambulance stations, laboratories and other medical institutions.


- physiotherapy
– laboratory research methods in healthcare
- nursing
- emergency medical care


- physiotherapy

The main condition for admission to the 1st degree (bachelor's degree) is completed secondary education or complete secondary vocational education.
A medical certificate of health fitness to practice the medical profession is also required.


Physiotherapy: Biology and Physics Written Test, Physical Capacity Test

Nursing: Biology and Social Science Written Test

Laboratory Research Methods in Healthcare: Biology and Chemistry Written Test

Physical Fitness Test: June 10, 2025 Knowledge Test: June 11, 2025:

Application deadlines*

Bachelor's degree - applications accepted until 28.02.2025, cost - 70 euros

Master's degree - applications accepted until 28.02.2025, cost - 70 euros


If you have any questions or need
additional information submit the form

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Mon-Fri from 10:00 to 18:00

Slovakia, Kosice

Urgent matters:

+421 903 635 121 (WhatsApp)

+421 90 514 71 36 (Viber)

+421 951 936 196

Mon-Fri from 10:00 to 18:00