Secondary education
in Slovakia

Gymnasium on Alejowa Street in Kosice

A secondary specialized educational institution with specialized subjects, which is popular among students from the CIS countries.

The gymnasium focuses on learning English and a second foreign language (French, German or Russian) to choose from.

Private gymnasium FUTURUM in Kosice

A professional educational institution with specialized subjects, which provides the opportunity to receive a high-quality European education after the 8th or 9th grade.

In the IT field or undergo bilingual training in English, the program of which allows you to enroll in any university, both in Europe and around the world.

Sports gymnasium in Kosice

It is one of the best educational institutions in Slovakia in the field of health and sports.

During its existence, the gymnasium has trained many outstanding athletes and successful coaches who represented the Slovak Republic at international competitions and the Olympic Games.

Dnepersk gymnasium in Kosice

A private secondary educational institution specializing in programming and computer science, with intensive teaching of foreign languages and mathematics.

The gymnasium participates in international competitions and projects, and also cooperates with many universities.

Secondary education

Children in Slovakia begin to receive secondary education at the age of 6. Primary school lasts 9 years. A person who has completed 9th grade can continue studying at school for another 4-5 years. The time to enter a university comes at the age of 19-20.

Studying in Slovakia after 9th grade

Studying in Slovakia after 9th grade, or rather, the choice of its form depends on the future plans of the child and his parents. If you want to enroll in a university, you can choose the following options for obtaining preliminary secondary education.

Tuition is free if it is a government institution. Private schools require fees. Languages of instruction are English, German and French.

Gymnasium. Here, compared to a regular school, students are more actively prepared for entering a university. There are institutions with in-depth study of foreign languages, and others that offer a specific practical direction of study. We are talking about technical, economic and other options;
Secondary vocational school. Here the emphasis is on preparing a working profession. Duration of study is from one to 3 years.

Features of the Slovak education system

Education in Slovakia can be obtained in a private, state or church school/gymnasium. The country's Ministry of Education approves the list of compulsory subjects.

The choice of where to place the child is made by the parents. Studying in the country opens up prospects for further free education in Europe.

The duration of the school year in the country's schools differs from what is usual in Ukraine, because it lasts from September to June inclusive. The holidays are approximately the same as in Ukraine.

Schools in Slovakia

Many private schools will be happy to accept a student from the CIS countries. But many are paid and have high requirements. Therefore, it is optimal, at least at first, to choose a free regular school.

The child will be accepted there from the age of 6. It is only important to learn Slovak. Teaching is conducted on it.

Starting from grade 5, a standard list of subjects is provided. After the ninth, they take foreign language and mathematics. These are exams, based on the results of which the child can be sent to a vocational school or gymnasium to receive complete secondary education.

The training plan is adjusted every year, so there is no point in dwelling on any more points.

Cost of secondary education in Slovakia

Regular high schools are free for everyone. Private tuition costs approximately 300 euros per year (depending on the type of school).
If the school is located far from home, we recommend checking the availability of a dormitory. This is a fairly common practice.

To make it easier to understand the benefits of studying in Slovakia, we will briefly talk about several schools:

Free school “Ivanka at the Danube”

Particular attention is paid to agricultural and veterinary medicine. Accommodation in a dormitory costs 300 euros per year of study, the same for a guardian, but training is free.

Training is carried out in the following areas:

4-year full-time study ending with an entrance exam

Business and Entrepreneurship

Agribusiness - horse breeding and riding or cynology

Fisheries and water management

Operation and economics of transport

  Veterinary and hygiene - small-scale breeding, breeding of foreign animals and dog breeding

Advanced training for graduates of three-year courses - 2-year training ending with an entrance exam:
- Agriculture
— forestry

Post-baccalaureate studies - external - 2-year studies ending with an entrance exam:
— agribusiness — horse breeding and riding or cynology
- fishing

Subjects: 3 years of study ending with a final exam.
- fishing
– breeder – horse breeding and riding
- forest landscape designer
- forestry machine operator.

Depending on the chosen direction, you must pass final exams.

Secondary school in Skalitsa.

Mathematics and Slovak are taken for admission. Upon completion, one of the following specialties is acquired:

ANDinformation and network technologies

Nutrition consultations

 Tourism services

- marketing

Free training, accommodation in a hostel and food costs 170 euros. Additionally, the services of a guardian are also available.

School of Animation Art in Bratislava

The training lasts 4 years with a fee of 1,500 euros per year. There are additional costs that need to be clarified in person.

The following courses are provided:

Sound effects processing and video editing

Design and graphics



Photo design

  • picture and sound production

Admission is based on the results of an individual creative exam.

Secondary School of MI and AI in Bratislava

(MI – mass information, AI – information research).

For admission, you must submit your application by April 10. After admission, you will receive a message about the date of the entrance exam (13.05-19.06 approximately).

Additionally, you will need to pay for the services of a guardian who will look after the child locally, food and accommodation.

The courses are:

Marketing Communications;

Information systems;

Mass media, etc.

Admission is based on the results of an individual creative exam.

Let us remind you again. This material is about secondary education in Slovakia. These are such amazing opportunities for children!


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