Technical University
in Zvolen

About the educational institution

The Technical University in Zvolen is a modern higher education institution that provides education at all three levels of higher education in accordance with European standards. Among all higher education institutions in Slovakia, the university has unique study programs with an emphasis on forestry and ecology. The university trains specialists in the following areas: forestry, structural engineering, technology, production and communications, environmental sciences, security services, economics and management..

In keeping with its core focus, the university fulfills its mission as a “green university”, which stems from the tradition of one of the oldest technical and forestry universities in Europe and the world.

List of faculties


The Faculty of Forestry has the best specialists in the field of biological research, forest cultivation, approved by the Accreditation Commission of the Slovak Republic. Graduates of the faculty work mainly in enterprises of the public, private forestry and energy sectors, as well as in the environmental sector. 


– Forestry

– Applied zoology and hunting


– Adaptive forestry

– Applied zoology and hunting

– Forest ecology

– Geoinformation and cartographic methods in forestry

Doctoral programs
– forest ecology
– ecosystem services of forests
– economic management of forests
– forest phytology

The main condition for admission to the 1st level (bachelor) is the presence of complete general secondary education or complete secondary vocational education.

Admission without entrance exams.

If the number of applications exceeds the planned number, preference will be given to applicants with a GPA of 2.00 or lower in the Slovak equivalent.

Application deadlines*

Bachelor's degree - applications accepted until 31.03.2025, cost - 35 euros

Master's degree - applications accepted until 31.06.2025, cost - 35 euros

Doctoral studies – applications accepted until 31.07.2025, cost – 35 EUR


The Faculty of Woodworking of the Technical University trains interior and furniture designers, specialists in carpentry and wooden structures, rescuers and fire service specialists, economists in the field of ecology and forestry. The educational process is based on the latest world knowledge of science, technology, technology, and economics. 

Bachelor's programs
— fire safety and security.
– wooden buildings
- creation and production of furniture
– woodworking with information support
– economics and management of woodworking industry enterprises
– furniture and interior design
Engineering/Master's Programs
— fire safety and security.
– wooden buildings
- creation and production of furniture
– wood processing industry
– economics and management of woodworking industry enterprises
– furniture and interior design
Doctoral programs
– wood processing technology
- economics and management of the timber industry - university training program
- furniture and housing design
— fire safety and security.

Admission without entrance exams.*

*The specialty "Interior and Furniture Design" includes an entrance exam of talent (drawing, design of forms, technical solution of furniture element and interior) and a test of knowledge of art, architecture and design.

Application deadlines*

Bachelor's degree - applications are accepted until 30.11.2024 for the Department of Furniture and Interior Design, price - 40 euros, until 31.3.2025 - all other departments, price - 35 euros.
Engineering education - applications are accepted until May 31, 2025 - Department of Furniture and Interior Design, completion of Master's degree, until June 30, 2025 - all other branches, price - 35 euros.
Doctoral studies - applications accepted until 31.5.2025, fee - 35 euros.

Faculty of Ecology
and environment

The mission of the faculty is to train specialists with a wide range of knowledge in the field of ecology and environmental sciences. Graduates can find employment as ecologists, specialists in the field of environmental engineering, forensic experts, criminologists in the field of environmental offenses, and specialists in the exploitation of landscape areas.

Bachelor's and Engineering Education Programs
— ecology and protection of biodiversity
– protection and use of land
— forensic medicine and forensic ecology

Doctoral programs
- ecology and protection of biodiversity
- environmental engineering
- protection and use of the landscape

Admission without entrance exams.

The main condition for admission to the 1st level (bachelor) is the presence of complete general secondary education or complete secondary vocational education.

It is necessary to provide medical confirmation of suitability to study at the faculty.

Application deadlines

Bachelor's degree - applications accepted until 31.03.2025, cost - 35 euros

Master's degree - applications accepted until 31.07.2025, cost - 35 euros

Doctoral studies - applications accepted until 31.5.2025, fee - 40 EUR.


The faculty is focused on training specialists with a technical professional profile and competencies in the field of production and environmental technologies, safety precautions and production and technical management. This allows graduates to apply themselves in woodworking and forestry, in the field of operation and management, in science and research, in trade and marketing, as well as in engineering production conditions.

Bachelor's and Engineering Education Programs
– production technology and production process management
Doctoral programs
- production technology

Admission without entrance exams.

The main condition for admission to the 1st level (bachelor) is the presence of complete general secondary education or complete secondary vocational education.

Application deadlines

Bachelor's degree - applications are accepted until 31.03.2025 (1st round), until 15.08.2025 (2nd round), cost - 40 euros

Master's degree – applications accepted until 31.07.2025, cost – 40 euros

Doctoral studies – applications accepted until 07.06.2025, cost – 40 EUR

training program

The Technical University offers this curriculum, which is supported by specialized workspaces from several university faculties. This is a modern curriculum that combines several scientific areas and ensures the preparation of specialists for modern and future development of the economy and society.

Bachelor's and Engineering Education Programs
– economics and natural resource management
Doctoral programs
– economics and management of forestry and forestry complex

Admission without entrance exams.

The main condition for admission to the 1st level (bachelor) is the presence of complete general secondary education or complete secondary vocational education.

Application deadlines

Bachelor's degree - applications accepted until 31.03.2025, cost - 35 euros

Master's degree – applications accepted until 30.06.2025, cost – 35 euros

Doctoral studies – applications accepted until 31.05.2025, cost – 35 EUR


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additional information submit the form

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Slovakia, Kosice

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